Employment service of Slovenia

Slika strani

Zlata Šlibar

Employment service of Slovenia

P: +386 1 200 23 50 · F: +386 1 425 98 23

E: zlata.slibar@ess.gov.si

The Employment Service of Slovenia represents the central institution on the labour market.

It performs the tasks defined in the Employment and Unemployment Act as well as those defined in executive regulations arising from the aforementioned act. Apart from that, the Employment Service of Slovenia is a holder of certain tasks formulated in other acts and government documents or programmes. It has also taken on board new tasks linked to Slovenia’s accession to the EU, the use of funds from the ESF (European Social Fund), the EURES system and acceptance of rights. Furthermore, it cooperates with regional development agencies by formulating plans for human resources development. NCIPS is a member of the EUROGUIDANCE network, which links together the European vocational information centres and cooperates with 31 countries, thereby offering information on possibilities for vocational education and training in the Member States. The Employment Service of Slovenia also administrates the PLOTEUS web portal.

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