Company Profile

Slika strani

Company: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
Short: CPI
Headquarters: Kajuhova 32 U, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Deputy: mag. Janez Damjan, Director
Phone: +386 1 58 64 200
Fax: +386 1 54 22 045


Authorised representative: Elido Bandelj, Director

ID number: 5910668
ID for VAT: SI44648537
Reg. entry number: 1/26725/00, registered at the Regional Court in Ljubljana
Sub-Account at the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (UJP): 01100-6030633011

We are a public institution functioning as a cohesive organisation in line with our mission and vision under the slogan “Fast Forward into the Future”. 

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